Techniques of Grafting
Grafting DVD

Learn about grafting, air layering, clonal propagation, and scionwood selection from members of the Orange County Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers!

$10 at Meetings
$13 Delivered
Closed Captioning
60 Minute Runtime

Order Form

OC Chapter 
Online Meetings

Use the playlist menu icon on the video

to see a list of all the Let's Find Out 

videos in the series! 

Let's Find Out 
With OC CRFG Host, Rick Yessayian
Directed and Edited by Kevin Hayakawa

Use the playlist menu icon on the video

to see a list of all the Let's Find Out 

videos in the series! 


January 2019

The Orange County chapter of CRFG had their annual grafting demonstration meeting to great success, what a turn out!

Showing a scion ready for bark grafting
A wonderful turn out to the event!
Tins full of supplies and a grafting tool
Showing how to wrap the new graft union
Talking about veneer grafting
Explaining the steps and tools of grafting
A bark graft all taped up and ready to go
Spreading the bark on a veneer graft
Photos by Joan Day Images (used with permission)


September 2018

The Propagation Club met at the home of OC CRFG member Don Winterstein to tour his garden, learn

 the secret to a perfect potting mix, and up-pot seedlings for future OC CRFG Green Scenes.

Explaining the perfect potting mix
Propagation club selfie
Getting dirty up potting
Touring Don's forest
Talking about Dragon Fruit
Pointing out the cactus fruits


June 2018

The Orange County Chapter got a special tour of Melissa's.

Photos by Joan Day Images (used with permission)