The 2024 OC Fair

The OC chapter of CRFG will once again have an outreach booth at the OC Fair. This is a great experience for all members to participate in. You get to meet eager fair goers and talk to them about all the wonderful fruit we can grow here in Southern California.

Don't think, "I don't know enough or have enough experience to talk to strangers about growing fruit!". We want to staff 2 people per shift so that you can always ask your fellow members questions if you don't know the answer.  This is a great learning experience as well as a great way to meet OC CRFG club members you may not already know.

The booth will have a display of many interesting and unusual fruits donated by Melissa's and supplemented by fruit grown by our members. In previous years we had sugar cane, coffee berries, passion fruit, Pinkglow® Pineapples, mangosteen, many varieties of avocado, jackfruit, rambutan and many others.

We still have our beloved, naturally air-cooled location in the Centennial Farm but our gazebo has been demolished as part of a large, multi-phase building and renovation project that began last year. Isabel and the fair committee are hard at work designing a beautiful new booth with a fruit display for us to use this year.

The Fair runs from Friday July 19 to Sunday August 18. Our booth is open from 11 am to 9 pm Wednesdays and Thursdays and 11 am to 10 pm Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. There are three shifts each day. Each shift is either 3 1/2 or 4 hours long.

The morning shift volunteers should arrive at 10:30 am to setup the booth.

The evening shift volunteers should close up the booth and secure things before leaving.

Sign up by heading over to our Calendy page and finding which time slots work best for you!

OC CRFG Booth at the 2023 OC Fair

Opening Day

Nohad Sabbagh , Martha Haber and John Marzolino volunteering in the booth on opening day

Isabel Barkman watering the potted fruit trees on display

A section of the fruit and posters displayed inside the booth

John McNeil winding down at the end of an evening shift